Promoting talents: We are a school for talents

Since 2020/2021 we are one of 15 talent schools. Together with the state government of NRW we improve students’ educational and training opportunities.
The main goal of being a talent school is to develop new concepts for teaching and school development to overcome social disadvantages concerning educational success. We want to help and lead students to better results.
To do so, we work in multi-professional teams consisting of teachers, teachers for special education, social workers and workshop teachers.
The project is aimed at students who acquire the following qualifications:
o secondary school leaving certificate after class 9
o secondary school leaving certificate after class 10
o technical college entrance qualification
o technical college entrance qualification with qualification to attend the upper secondary school
Our concept includes measures to promote talent through:
o extended career orientation with practical phases
o promotion of young women in technical fields of work
o involvement of training tutors
o experiential education orientation
o intensified counseling of the students
o further development of extracurricular cooperations and activities
o project-oriented design of lessons
o accompanying extracurricular projects
o specific teacher training
o individual and intercultural qualification measures