The "H₂Vocational Lab"

The “H2VocationalLab“ project of the btg has been developed out of the “Zukunftscampus Emscher-Lippe” project by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The main idea of the project is to design, to test and to evaluate the qualification of specialists concerning the handling of hydrogen in the context of the energy turnaround.
The new educational program “Mechatronics technicians with the focus on hydrogen” (further information) provides many opportunities to transform the region that can be used in the H2VocationalLab as well.

The “lab“ has two meanings:
On the one hand, it is about the development and establishment of an attractive place of learning in the btg, i.e., a well-equipped technical center in which the educational focus on hydrogen is taught and experienced.
On the other hand, the establishment of the educational program itself becomes a project and thus a real-life laboratory. We are working with regional companies, scientific institutions, the city government of Gelsenkirchen and the district government of Münster to design, test and evaluate the new educational program with the focus on hydrogen.
At the moment the project only focusses on the educational program of the “Mechatronics technicians“ , but the plan is to transfer it on other educational programs in the future.
The “H2VocationalLab“ project should thus become an important element of the educational campus planned for the city of Gelsenkirchen.